Caption competition – We have a winner

Congratulations to you all for your great entries. It’s been a lot of fun reading them! Here goes:

In 3rd place with the startling starwars related sizzler:

“He says his name’s Yoda and ‘Broken down my car is…’ ”

It’s Dr Skiz

Congratulations – you win, a birthday card – It’s in the post!

In 2nd place with this grotesquely gross gag:

John – that sneeze really cleared my passages.

It’s AndyDad

Congratulations – you too win a birthday card – In the post also.

And the winnner with this treacherous threatening tickler:

‘just follow my instructions and the cricket above your head (gary) wont have to turn nasty…no funny business…you’re asking for a 12″ deep pan with chicken, no peppers…if you fail to get free garlic bread gary gets the nod…are we clear?

it’s AndyBro

Congratulations – you win a bendy rubber crocodile, a small rubber whale, an information leaflet about ‘Vic Hislop’s Shark Expo’ and some stickers from New Zealand bearing the logo ‘No Pigs, pig semen or pig embryos on the South island without permission’.

We’ll post these off as soon as possible. Well done to everyone!

Viv x






One response to “Caption competition – We have a winner”

  1. andy/ bro/ son/ winner!! avatar
    andy/ bro/ son/ winner!!

    Jurassic park!!!!! and what an incredible plethora of fantastic prizes….i’ll be waiting for my parcel with great excitement..

    i’m honoured, thanks to everyone who believed in me, you know who you are..