Up to 18th Dec.

Thanks for all the comments you lot. Looks like we’ll have to turn around and head back up North for more Gannet action!

We’ve had a bit of a slower pace of life this last week. This internet connection is certainly slow so there will be no more photos for the time being. You will be pleased to know that we have a couple more Pied Shags and some Red Billed Gulls to show you. I am sure that will get you checking the site on an hourly basis. The anticipation!

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Since I last wrote John has been swimming with Dolphins. This was earlier in the week and the permagrin is only just wearing off. The Dolphins were very friendly and acrobatic! I tried to swim with them but started choking on the snorkel. I am still happy though as I’ve now killed a total of 5 mosquitos. And yes, that’s an entire one more.

Today we’ve been to a Kiwi park and seen the funny little creatures. Yes, I know that they’re birds but we can hardly come here without seeing Kiwis!

We’ve also done a little walking etc. The weather’s been absolutely awful to be honest so we’ve been confined to the campervan for long periods. Gave us a bit more time to fix the silver bullets shabby curtains.

Take care you all!

Viv & John x







2 responses to “Up to 18th Dec.”

  1. Robert Hazelby avatar

    Have just been rummaging through the snaps. I didn’t realise that the legendary ‘Silver Bullet’ was so new. I was expecting some clapped-out heap of a thing, but it looks like the two of you have done rather well.

    From the photos it looks like things are certainly warmer than they are here. It’s bloody freezing here in Bristol.

    Where are you guys spending Christmas?


  2. J-Hob avatar

    The ‘Silver Bullet’ is coming to the end of its stroppy teens being as it is 17 years old! We did see some from the 70s being sold for extortionate sums, ours was relatively cheap and certainly had the best sounding engine of the lot, and has thus far proved to be reliable (fingers crossed!) after 4000kms on the road. We’ve had an oil service and all seemed well, just needed a new air filter as the old one was very clogged – runs better now!

    The weather here, while not cold, has not been pleasant of late. Most of the last week it has been raining in varying intensities which has limited what we do a little, however we have had a couple of days of glorious sunshine. Enough sunshine for me to have so far burnt my arms, legs, nose and head anyhow…

    For Christmas we will be at my Aunt Ros and Uncle Tony’s abode near Taupo. We’re really looking forward to having a few home comforts!

    Have a good un yourself,
